EVENT DATE AND TIME: June 14th, 2025. 9 am to noon. (Walk starts at 10 am).

Location: Science Centre – 2903 Powerhouse Drive (Regina)

To help us raise funds this year we are also charging a small fee to sign-up to Walk, Run or Roll in our event. This small fee will allow us to raise some additional funds after some tough years.

Our name for this event is the Move to Cure Regina ALS Walk

Be sure to tag us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/alssocietysask or by sending us an email so we can post it and celebrate you: director@alssask.ca and if you provide us anything before the walk day (June 14th) you will likely be included in our social media posts that we will be hosting that day.

If you would like to sign up for the Regina Walk please do so here: SIGN UP FOR THE REGINA WALK.

If you would like to raise funds for the Regina Walk please do so here: PLEDGE PAGE FOR THE REGINA WALK.

Please note that the ALS Society has new Walk t-shirts, and to get one an additional donation of $10 is required to get one.

Stay in touch for these details and more through our social media posts and all our public channels.

Duane Chicoine                                  Denis Simard

President, ALS Society of SK            Executive Director, ALS Society of SK